Jasna Koteska, 2020 |
Jasna Koteska (1970, Skopje) is a Macedonian writer, philosopher and academic. She is a Professor (Tenure) at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia (UKIM). Koteska works with the 19th century philosophy and literature, psychoanalytic theory and gender studies.
Koteska holds two master degrees and a Ph.D. Her first master degree is in gender studies and culture from the prestigious Central European University (CEU) in Budapest in 2000. Her second master degree is in literature from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia (UKIM) in 1999. In 2002 she defended her Ph.D. in literature and gender studies from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia (UKIM).
In 2022 she was ranked 28th most notable alumni of the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary out of 18,000 master and doctoral graduates from 148 countries. The Central European University is ranked 1717 in the world, according to the aggregated alumni influence. The directory of the 34 most influential CEU alumni includes former and current presidents of states, ministers, ambassadors, politicians, members of the European parliament and scientists from 148 countries. Out of 18.000 graduates, prof. Koteska is ranked 28th for her influential work in the fields of sciences in Europe and around the world.
1) Prof. Koteska teaches academic courses on the undergraduate, master and doctorate level at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia (UKIM).
2) Koteska is also a professor of theoretical psychoanalysis and gender studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, the Department of Gender Studies at UKIM, Skopje.
3) Koteska is a visiting professor of philosophy at the doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia.
Prof. Koteska has published fourteen (14) books, both as an author and as an editor. Most prominent among them are her books on the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, on the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, on communism in Macedonia, and on “sanitation” as a psychoanalytical category, as well as on a variety of topics related to philosophy, literature, psychoanalytic theory and gender studies. Her books have been published in Washington DC, Toronto, Ljubljana, Belgrade, Sofia and Skopje.
1) Her book Kierkegaard on Consumerism (Toronto and Ljubljana, 2016) received a 2017 Macedonian State Award for outstanding contribution in the field of science in the interest of the Republic of Macedonia.
2) Her book Communist Intimacy (Washington, 2014) made it on to the European Writers Society (Berlin and Paris) Author’s Finnegan’s List of 30 books for 2015.
3) In December 2015 she was awarded with an Award for the promotion of the Slovenian literature and culture in the Republic of Macedonia from the Slovenian Center in Skopje.
4) In 2014 she received an Award from the Union of the Societies of the Macedonian language and literatures for her work on the development, research and promotion of the Macedonian literature and the Methodology of teaching Macedonian literature.
5) In 2007 Koteska with her colleagues won the American Library Association Award from Chicago for her contribution in the book A Biographical Dictionary of Women’s Movements and feminisms, 19th and 20th Centuries, published in Budapest and New York in 2006. Her articles were about the Macedonian poet Koco Racin, and they are the only article about Koco Racin awarded in the USA.
Scientific Articles.
Koteska has published over 350 academic articles, which were translated and published in many languages, including English, German, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Albanian, Hungarian, Slovakian, and Romanian.
Her articles have been published in many collections of works and journals with international editorial boards, all around the world, including Sydney, Toronto, Washington, New York, Boston, Berlin, Paris, Trieste, Sofia, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Zagreb, and in journals such as Toronto Journal of Theology (Toronto), Vermilion (Sydney, Australia), Die Horen (Berlin), Studia UBB Europea (Paris), Kultura (Sofia), Bukla (Ljubljana), Transcript-review, Europe’s Online Review of International Writing (London), Critical Art in Contemporary Macedonia (Carnegie Trust for the Universities in Scotland), Социологически проблеми (София), Teorije i politike roda (Beograd), N\osztalgia (Berlin), Гласове (София), Apokalipsa (Ljubljana), Sarajevski sveski (Sarajevo), Ars (Podgorica), Romboid (Bratislava), Литература (Sofija), Pro Femina (Beograd), Privacy International (London), Moderna Galerija (Ljubljana), Köprü (турски), Male novine (Pančevo), Mednarodna filozofska delavnica (Ljubljana), Representation of Gender Minority Groups (Belgrade), Philological Studies (Перм, Скопје, Zagreb, Ljubljana), Култура (София), Primorski dnevnik (Trieste) and others.
Scientific Projects.
Prof. Koteska serves and served as international and national leader (P.I.), as well as participant in more than thirty (30) scientific projects with numerous universities, including the University College London, Trinity College Toronto, International Psychoanalytical University Berlin, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, University of Žilina in Slovakia, University of Zagreb, Croatia, University of Belgrade in Serbia, University of Sofia in Bulgaria, Otvoreni univerzitet Sarajevo, University Neofil Rilski, Blagoevgrad, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Singidunum University Belgrade, University of Munich Germany, Dubrovnik Inter-University Centre, DAAD Academic Network, Germany, Gray’s School of Arts, Aberdeen, Scotland, and many others.
Koteska participated and organized over 50 scientific conferences among them in Boston, Budapest, Brussels, Berlin, Oslo, Copenhagen, Wroclaw, Guadalajara (Mexico), London, Vienna, Trieste, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Cetinje, Herceg Novi, Toronto, Skopje, and many others.
1) Koteska is editor for Kierkegaard Circle/Collection Aut at Trinity College Toronto, Canada and Central European Research Institute (CERI-SK), Ljubljana, Slovenia since 2016. The book collection is exclusively dedicated to the work of the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, and Koteska is the only scholar from the Mediterranean countries to have been granted the editorial position at the Trinity College in Toronto.
2) Koteska is also editor of the journal Literaturen zbor from Skopje, which exists for over 60 years.
3) She has served as editor for multiple art and science journals, including Blesok from Skopje, Litkom from Zagreb, and many other journals from the Balkans and the Mediterranean.
4) Since 2022 she is a guest editor of the journal Nordicum-Meditteraneum, a journal from Iceland.
1) Since 2020 Koteska is a coordinator of the study circle on education Futures of Education (2020-2024) for the Nordic Summer University. The Nordic Summer University is a 70-years old Nordic research network, which was established by the Nordic scientists, including Niels Bohr, Mauno Koivisto, Johan Galtung and others. She coordinates the Nordic scholars from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland and she is responsible for the network of over 70 Nordic scholars of education.
2) Koteska worked as external coordinator for the gender equality for the Department of Justice, European Union in Brussels in 2011 and 2014.
Member of boards and initiatives.
Koteska is a member of multiple international organizations of humanities, and social sciences, and she is a member of the Philosophical Society of the Republic of Macedonia, the Independent Writers Association of Macedonia, and multiple scientific organizations and boards in the Republic of Slovenia, Canada, Scandinavian countries and other international scientific boards.
Jasna Koteska. List of Published Books
1. Котеска, Јасна. Комунистичка интима, реиздание, Антолог, Скопје, 2021. ISBN 978-608-243-462-9 (in Macedonian)
2. Котеска, Јасна. Санитарна енигма, реиздание, Антолог, Скопје, 2020. ISBN 978-608-243-341-31(in Macedonian)
3. Јакимовска, Илина и Котеска, Јасна. Етнологот како писател, писателот како етнолог, Табахон, Скопје, 2020 (in Macedonian)
4. Koteska, Jasna, Kierkegaard On Consumerism (The Aesthetic, The Ethical, and the Religious Reading), Kierkegaard Circle, Trinity College, University of Toronto, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-98812902-0. (in English)
5. Rosić-Ilić Tatjana, Koteska, Jasna and Ljumović Janko, Representation of Gender Minority Groups in Media: Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, Faculty of Media and Communication, FMK, Belgrade, 2015. ISBN 978-868-710-754-0 (in English)
6. Koteska Jasna, Communist Intimacy, New Academia Publishing LLC, Washington DC, 2014, ISBN: 978-0-9899169-7-4 (in English)
7. Котеска, Јасна, Фројдовска читанка, Рана психоанализа 1893-1899, Култура, Скопје, 2013 (862 страници за теориите на раниот Фројд), ISBN: 978-9989-32-713-1 (in Macedonian)
8. Котеска, Ясна, Санитарна енигма, Издателска къща КХ-Критика и хуманизъм, София, 2012. ISBN: 978 954 587 160 3 (in Bulgarian)
9. Котеска, Јасна, Комунистичка интима, Темплум, Скопје, 2008. ISBN: 978-9989-189-41-8 (in Macedonian)
10. Koteska, Jasna, Intimist, Apokalipsa, Ljubljana, 2008, ISBN: 978-961-6644-30-3 (in Slovenian)
11. Котеска, Јасна, Веселиот ден или Матичек се жени, УКИМ, Филолошки факултет, Скопје, 2008 - монографија за словенечкиот драматург од 18 век Антон Томаж Линхарт ISBN: 9989724636 (in Macedonian)
12. Котеска, Јасна, Санитарна енигма, Темплум, Скопје, 2006. ISBN 9989-902-87-9 (in Macedonian)
13. Котеска, Јасна, Македонско женско писмо, Македонска книга, Скопје, 2003. Прва историја на македонското женско писмо во Република Македонија од 1945-2000 г. ISBN: 9989-46-047-7 (in Macedonian)
14. Котеска, Јасна, Постмодернистички литературни студии, Македонска книга, Скопје, 2002. ISBN: 9989-46-019-1 (in Macedonian)
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