The international literature festival Berlin (ilb) calls on all individuals, institutions, schools and media outlets that care about freedom and civil rights to participate in a worldwide reading of texts about surveillance in support of Edward Snowden, on 8th September 2014.
With this
worldwide reading, we call on the United States Government to recognize that
Edward Snowden's revelations are of essential importance for the safeguarding
of democracy in the digital age, and thus that his actions must be seen to be
covered by the Universal Unwritten Rule of the Ethical Right. Washington
should therefore immediately lift all legal charges and complaints against
Snowden, so that he can return home safely as a free man.
We further
demand that the Member States of the European Union, in recognition of the
importance of his revelations, immediately grant Edward Snowden asylum in the
EU, for as long as he may need it and at least until the US Government has
lifted all charges against him.
Finally, we ask
that the Nobel Committee consider Edward Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize – in
recognition of his amazing, selfless service towards democracy, freedom and
peace for all of us.
I have signed the petition.